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custom; and, as was equally his custom, he gave me his hand.
Diana, who chanced to be in a frolicsome humour (she was not
painfully controlled by his will; for hers, in another way, was as
strong), exclaimed-‘St. John! you used to call Jane your third sister,
but you don’t treat her as such: you should kiss her too.’ She
pushed me towards him. I thought Diana very provoking, and felt
uncomfortably confused; and while I was thus thinking and
feeling, St. John bent his head; his Greek face was brought to a
level with mine, his eyes questioned my eyes piercingly-he kissed
me. There are no such things as marble kisses or ice kisses, or I
should say my ecclesiastical cousin’s salute belonged to one of
these classes; but there may be experiment kisses, and his was an
experiment kiss.

When given, he viewed me to learn the result; it was not striking: I
am sure I did not blush; perhaps I might have turned a little pale,
for I felt as if this kiss were a seal affixed to my fetters. He never
omitted the ceremony afterwards, and the gravity and quiescence
with which I underwent it, seemed to invest it for him with a
certain charm.

As for me, I daily wished more to please him; but to do so, I felt
daily more and more that I must disown half my nature, stifle half
my faculties, wrest my tastes from their original bent, force myself
to the adoption of pursuits for which I had no natural vocation. He
wanted to train me to an elevation I could never reach; it racked
me hourly to aspire to the standard he uplifted. The thing was as
impossible as to mould my irregular features to his correct and
classic pattern, to give to my changeable green eyes the sea-blue
tint and solemn lustre of his own.

Not his ascendancy alone, however, held me in thrall at present. Of
late it had been easy enough for me to look sad: a cankering evil sat
in my heart and drained my happiness at its source-the evil of

Perhaps you think I had forgotten Mr. Rochester, reader, amidst
these changes of place and fortune. Not for a moment. His idea
was still with me, because it was not a vapour sunshine could
disperse, nor a sand-traced effigy storms could wash away; it was
a name graven on a tablet, fated to last as long as the marble it
inscribed. The craving to know what had become of him followed
me everywhere; when I was at Morton, I re-entered my cottage
every evening to think of that; and now at Moor House, I sought
my bedroom each night to brood over it.

In the course of my necessary correspondence with Mr. Briggs
about the will, I had inquired if he knew anything of Mr.
Rochester’s present residence and state of health; but, as St. John
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