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upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance; I tried to devour my
repentance and disgust in secret; I repressed the deep antipathy I

‘Jane, I will not trouble you with abominable details: some strong
words shall express what I have to say. I lived with that woman
upstairs four years, and before that time she had tried me indeed:
her character ripened and developed with frightful rapidity; her
vices sprang up fast and rank: they were so strong, only cruelty
could check them, and I would not use cruelty. What a pigmy
intellect she had, and what giant propensities! How fearful were
the curses those propensities entailed on me! Bertha Mason, the
true daughter of an infamous mother, dragged me through all the
hideous and degrading agonies which must attend a man bound to
a wife at once intemperate and unchaste.

‘My brother in the interval was dead, and at the end of the four
years my father died too. I was rich enough now-yet poor to
hideous indigence: a nature the most gross, impure, depraved I
ever saw, was associated with mine, and called by the law and by
society a part of me. And I could not rid myself of it by any legal
proceedings: for the doctors now discovered that my wife was
mad-her excesses had prematurely developed the germs of
insanity. Jane, you don’t like my narrative; you look almost sick-
shall I defer the rest to another day?’ ‘No, sir, finish it now; I pity
you-I do earnestly pity you.’ ‘Pity, Jane, from some people is a
noxious and insulting sort of tribute, which one is justified in
hurling back in the teeth of those who offer it; but that is the sort of
pity native to callous, selfish hearts; it is a hybrid, egotistical pain
at hearing of woes, crossed with ignorant contempt for those who
have endured them.

But that is not your pity, Jane; it is not the feeling of which your
whole face is full at this moment-with which your eyes are now
almost overflowing-with which your heart is heaving-with which
your hand is trembling in mine. Your pity, my darling, is the
suffering mother of love: its anguish is the very natal pang of the
divine passion. I accept it, Jane; let the daughter have free advent-
my arms wait to receive her.’ ‘Now, sir, proceed; what did you do
when you found she was mad?’ ‘Jane, I approached the verge of
despair; a remnant of self-respect was all that intervened between
me and the gulf. In the eyes of the world, I was doubtless covered
with grimy dishonour; but I resolved to be clean in my own sight-
and to the last I repudiated the contamination of her crimes, and
wrenched myself from connection with her mental defects. Still,
society associated my name and person with hers; I yet saw her
and heard her daily: something of her breath (faugh!) mixed with
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