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imagination: a glimpse of sea between two rocks; the rising moon,
and a ship crossing its disk; a group of reeds and water-flags, and a
naiad’s head, crowned with lotus-flowers, rising out of them; an elf
sitting in a hedgesparrow’s nest, under a wreath of hawthorn-

One morning I fell to sketching a face: what sort of a face it was to
be, I did not care or know. I took a soft black pencil, gave it a broad
point, and worked away. Soon I had traced on the paper a broad
and prominent forehead and a square lower outline of visage: that
contour gave me pleasure; my fingers proceeded actively to fill it
with features. Strongly-marked horizontal eyebrows must be
traced under that brow; then followed, naturally, a well-defined
nose, with a straight ridge and full nostrils; then a flexible-looking
mouth, by no means narrow; then a firm chin, with a decided cleft
down the middle of it: of course, some black whiskers were
wanted, and some jetty hair, tufted on the temples, and waved
above the forehead. Now for the eyes: I had left them to the last,
because they required the most careful working. I drew them large;
I shaped them well: the eyelashes I traced long and sombre; the
irids lustrous and large. ‘Good! but not quite the thing,’ I thought,
as I surveyed the effect: ‘they want more force and spirit’; and I
wrought the shades blacker, that the lights might flash more
brilliantly-a happy touch or two secured success. There, I had a
friend’s face under my gaze; and what did it signify that those
young ladies turned their backs on me? I looked at it; I smiled at
the speaking likeness: I was absorbed and content.

‘Is that a portrait of some one you know?’ asked Eliza, who had
approached me unnoticed. I responded that it was merely a fancy
head, and hurried it beneath the other sheets. Of course, I lied: it
was, in fact, a very faithful representation of Mr. Rochester. But
what was that to her, or to any one but myself? Georgiana also
advanced to look. The other drawings pleased her much, but she
called that ‘an ugly man.’ They both seemed surprised at my skill. I
offered to sketch their portraits; and each, in turn, sat for a pencil
outline. Then Georgiana produced her album. I promised to
contribute a water-colour drawing: this put her at once into good
humour. She proposed a walk in the grounds. Before we had been
out two hours, we were deep in a confidential conversation: she
had favoured me with a description of the brilliant winter she had
spent in London two seasons ago-of the admiration she had there
excited-the attention she had received; and I even got hints of the
titled conquest she had made. In the course of the afternoon and
evening these hints were enlarged on: various soft conversations
were reported, and sentimental scenes represented; and, in short, a
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