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her face rather from me, she remarked that the night was warm.
Again she regarded me so icily, I felt at once that her opinion of
me-her feeling towards mewas unchanged and unchangeable. I
knew by her stony eye-opaque to tenderness, indissoluble to tears-
that she was resolved to consider me bad to the last; because to
believe me good would give her no generous pleasure: only a sense
of mortification.

I felt pain, and then I felt ire; and then I felt a determination to
subdue her-to be her mistress in spite both of her nature and her
will. My tears had risen, just as in childhood: I ordered them back
to their source. I brought a chair to the bedhead: I sat down and
leaned over the pillow.

‘You sent for me,’ I said, ‘and I am here; and it is my intention to
stay till I see how you get on.’ ‘Oh, of course! You have seen my
daughters?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Well, you may tell them I wish you to stay till I
can talk some things over with you I have on my mind: to-night it
is too late, and I have a difficulty in recalling them. But there was
something I wished to say-let me see-’ The wandering look and
changed utterance told what wreck had taken place in her once
vigorous frame. Turning restlessly, she drew the bedclothes round
her; my elbow, resting on a corner of the quilt, fixed it down: she
was at once irritated.

‘Sit up!’ said she; ‘don’t annoy me with holding the clothes fast.
Are you Jane Eyre?’ ‘I am Jane Eyre.’ ‘I have had more trouble with
that child than any one would believe. Such a burden to be left on
my hands-and so much annoyance as she caused me, daily and
hourly, with her incomprehensible disposition, and her sudden
starts of temper, and her continual, unnatural watchings of one’s
movements! I declare she talked to me once like something mad, or
like a fiend-no child ever spoke or looked as she did; I was glad to
get her away from the house. What did they do with her at
Lowood? The fever broke out there, and many of the pupils died.
She, however, did not die: but I said she did-I wish she had died!’
‘A strange wish, Mrs. Reed; why do you hate her so?’ ‘I had a
dislike to her mother always; for she was my husband’s only sister,
and a great favourite with him: he opposed the family’s disowning
her when she made her low marriage; and when news came of her
death, he wept like a simpleton. He would send for the baby;
though I entreated him rather to put it out to nurse and pay for its
maintenance. I hated it the first time I set my eyes on it-a sickly,
whining, pining thing! It would wail in its cradle all night long-
not screaming heartily like any other child, but whimpering and
moaning. Reed pitied it; and he used to nurse it and notice it as if it
had been his own: more, indeed, than he ever noticed his own at
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