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Both ladies, as I advanced, rose to welcome me, and both
addressed me by the name of ‘Miss Eyre.’ Eliza’s greeting was
delivered in a short, abrupt voice, without a smile; and then she sat
down again, fixed her eyes on the fire, and seemed to forget me.
Georgiana added to her ‘How d ‘ye do?’ several commonplaces
about my journey, the weather, and so on, uttered in rather a
drawling tone: and accompanied by sundry side-glances that
measured me from head to foot-now traversing the folds of my
drab merino pelisse, and now lingering on the plain trimming of
my cottage bonnet. Young ladies have a remarkable way of letting
you know that they think you a ‘quiz’ without actually saying the
words. A certain superciliousness of look, coolness of manner,
nonchalance of tone, express fully their sentiments on the point,
without committing them by any positive rudeness in word or

A sneer, however, whether covert or open, had now no longer that
power over me it once possessed: as I sat between my cousins, I
was surprised to find how easy I felt under the total neglect of the
one and the semi-sarcastic attentions of the other-Eliza did not
mortify, nor Georgiana ruffle me. The fact was, I had other things
to think about; within the last few months feelings had been stirred
in me so much more potent than any they could raise-pains and
pleasures so much more acute and exquisite had been excited than
any it was in their power to inflict or bestow-that their airs gave
me no concern either for good or bad.

‘How is Mrs. Reed?’ I asked soon, looking calmly at Georgiana,
who thought fit to bridle at the direct address, as if it were an
unexpected liberty.

‘Mrs. Reed? Ah, mama, you mean; she is extremely poorly: I doubt
if you can see her to-night.’ ‘If,’ said I, ‘you would just step upstairs
and tell her I am come, I should be much obliged to you.’
Georgiana almost started, and she opened her blue eyes wild and
wide. ‘I know she had a particular wish to see me,’ I added, ‘and I
would not defer attending to her desire longer than is absolutely

‘Mama dislikes being disturbed in an evening,’ remarked Eliza. I
soon rose, quietly took off my bonnet and gloves, uninvited, and
said I would just step out to Bessie-who was, I dared say, in the
kitchen-and ask her to ascertain whether Mrs. Reed was disposed
to receive me or not to-night. I went, and having found Bessie and
despatched her on my errand, I proceeded to take further
measures. It had heretofore been my habit always to shrink from
arrogance: received as I had been to-day, I should, a year ago, have
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