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Blanche and Mary were of equal stature,- straight and tall as
poplars. Mary was too slim for her height, but Blanche was
moulded like a Dian. I regarded her, of course, with special
interest. First, I wished to see whether her appearance accorded
with Mrs. Fairfax’s description; secondly, whether it at all
resembled the fancy miniature I had painted of her; and thirdly-it
will out!- whether it were such as I should fancy likely to suit Mr.
Rochester’s taste.

As far as person went, she answered point for point, both to my
picture and Mrs. Fairfax’s description. The noble bust, the sloping
shoulders, the graceful neck, the dark eyes and black ringlets were
all there;- but her face? Her face was like her mother’s; a youthful
unfurrowed likeness: the same low brow, the same high features,
the same pride. It was not, however, so saturnine a pride! she
laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, and so was the
habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip.

Genius is said to be self-conscious. I cannot tell whether Miss
Ingram was a genius, but she was self-conscious-remarkably self-
conscious indeed. She entered into a discourse on botany with the
gentle Mrs. Dent. It seemed Mrs. Dent had not studied that science:
though, as she said, she liked flowers, ‘especially wild ones’; Miss
Ingram had, and she ran over its vocabulary with an air. I
presently perceived she was (what is vernacularly termed) trailing
Mrs. Dent; that is, playing on her ignorance: her trail might be
clever, but it was decidedly not goodnatured. She played: her
execution was brilliant; she sang, her voice was fine; she talked
French apart to her mama; and she talked it well, with fluency and
with a good accent.

Mary had a milder and more open countenance than Blanche;
softer features too, and a skin some shades fairer (Miss Ingram was
dark as a Spaniard)- but Mary was deficient in life: her face lacked
expression, her eye lustre; she had nothing to say, and having once
taken her seat, remained fixed like a statue in its niche. The sisters
were both attired in spotless white.

And did I now think Miss Ingram such a choice as Mr. Rochester
would be likely to make? I could not tell-I did not know his taste
in female beauty. If he liked the majestic, she was the very type of
majesty: then she was accomplished, sprightly. Most gentlemen
would admire her, I thought; and that he did admire her, I already
seemed to have obtained proof: to remove the last shade of doubt,
it remained but to see them together.

You are not to suppose, reader, that Adele has all this time been
sitting motionless on the stool at my feet: no; when the ladies
entered, she rose, advanced to meet them, made a stately
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