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judge. No need to warn her not to disarrange her attire: when she
was dressed, she sat demurely down in her little chair, taking care
previously to lift up the satin skirt for fear she should crease it, and
assured me she would not stir thence till I was ready. This I
quickly was: my best dress (the silver-grey one, purchased for Miss
Temple’s wedding, and never worn since) was soon put on; my
hair was soon smoothed; my sole ornament, the pearl brooch, soon

We descended.
Fortunately there was another entrance to the drawing-room than
that through the saloon where they were all seated at dinner. We
found the apartment vacant; a large fire burning silently on the
marble hearth, and wax candles shining in bright solitude, amid
the exquisite flowers with which the tables were adorned. The
crimson curtain hung before the arch: slight as was the separation
this drapery formed from the party in the adjoining saloon, they
spoke in so low a key that nothing of their conversation could be
distinguished beyond a soothing murmur.

Adele, who appeared to be still under the influence of a most
solemnising impression, sat down, without a word, on the footstool
I pointed out to her. I retired to a window-seat, and taking a book
from a table near, endeavoured to read.

Adele brought her stool to my feet; ere long she touched my knee.
‘What is it, Adele?’ ‘Est-ce que je ne puis pas prendre une seule de
ces fleurs magnifiques, mademoiselle? Seulement pour completer
ma toilette.’ ‘You think too much of your “toilette,” Adele: but you
may have a flower.’ And I took a rose from a vase and fastened it
in her sash. She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup
of happiness were now full. I turned my face away to conceal a
smile I could not suppress: there was something ludicrous as well
as painful in the little Parisienne’s earnest and innate devotion to
matters of dress.

A soft sound of rising now became audible; the curtain was swept
back from the arch; through it appeared the dining-room, with its
lit lustre pouring down light on the silver and glass of a
magnificent dessert-service covering a long table; a band of ladies
stood in the opening; they entered, and the curtain fell behind

There were but eight; yet, somehow, as they flocked in, they gave
the impression of a much larger number. Some of them were very
tall; many were dressed in white; and all had a sweeping
amplitude of array that seemed to magnify their persons as a mist
magnifies the moon. I rose and curtseyed to them: one or two bent
their heads in return, the others only stared at me.
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