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Table of Contents Themes: Shakespeare's general purpose in the play was to reveal England's chaotic history in light of the prosperity of Tudor England. At the time of the play, the original crime, the deposition and murder of Richard II by Henry IV was still not atoned. England had suffered the humiliation of the loss of France a French queen and the evils of civil wars. Murder begot murder and vengeance with vengeance. The keepers who capture Henry contribute to the Themes of allegiance and perjury. The introduction of the young Richmond is a short scene but significant it points to the approaching end of anarchy and the peace of the Tudors. The play is an ironical commentary on the woes of civil war and disorder, chaos, and disunity. It reveals the useless suffering and cruelty that occurs not only within a nation that is in turmoil but within families. The play is a study in anarchy - anarchy in the state, in the family, in the mind of the individual. Individual morality, custom, trust, duty, self-control are dissolving. Men and women are passions' slaves. Unreasoning fury anger rage, hatred, ambition, and lust flourish. The basis social bond of the family is disrupted. Unnatural relations abound and natural relations are disrupted. The atmosphere is charged with revenge and blood. In this state, anarchy springs from the weakness of the King who should control and maintain the affairs of the state. The sanctity of keeping oaths and customs are broken. Debased morals is another theme of the play. Edward introduces the theme when he persuades his father to go back on his oath and agreement with Henry. For a kingdom an oath may be broken. Edward is again prepared to perjure himself to retain the support of Montgomery to claim the crown as well as his dukedom. He breaks faith with Warwick and Lewis in marrying Lady Grey. Clarence too deserts his father-in-law at a crucial moment. What all of them do out of self interest, Henry does from weakness. The prevalence of disorder and perjury implies references to order and faith. There is not only the major struggle between the rival houses but also the painful reasserting of the moral and political order against the prevailing anarchy. Although Henry has morals and a deepened sense of spiritualism, he is ineffective and can do nothing but stand by and watch the horror unfold. This is almost as pernicious as the bloodthirsty nature of Richard. Table of Contents | |