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Table of Contents | Message Board | Downloadable/Printable Version CHAPTER SUMMARY AND NOTES CHAPTER 35 Summary Fogg, Aouda and Passepartout return to the Savile Row house. Fogg seems calm outwardly though his fortune had completely dwindled. A room in the house was set apart for Aouda. Aouda and Passepartout are both worried about Fogg as they expect him to do something rash. Passepartout continues to feel guilty and even tells Fogg that he is sorry. But Fogg blames no one. The day passes by wearily. In the evening, Fogg meets Aouda and Fogg talks about giving some money to her in order that she may maintain her position. As the course of the conversation goes, Aouda asks Fogg whether he would like to have her as his wife. He confesses his own love for her. Passepartout is called and asked to give due notice to the Reverend Samuel Wilson, so that Fogg and Aouda may be married the next day, that is Monday.
Notes The tone of this chapter is very mournful in the starting. The Savile Row house is not lit up, as any other ordinary house would be. The inmates look more serious than usual. Each has something to think about. Aouda is worried for Fogg as she thinks that he might do something rash, Passepartout feels extremely guilty because he realizes that he has put his master into a tight spot because of his lack of reasoning. He even expresses this to Fogg, though the latter says that he blames no one. Fogg is as impassive now, as he had been before. His only thoughts now are about the future and how he should deal with it. He takes AoudaÂ’s responsibility on his shoulders and sets out to make a duly beneficial plan for her. When Aouda and Fogg talk in the evening, Fogg is as rational as he always is. He explains how he plans to provide for Aouda and while he is spouting statements and facts, Aouda comes out with what is in her heart. She is truly a bold woman to be able to offer herself as FoggÂ’s wife. Most women would have been too coy and shy to do that. But, she does it in a bold and frank way that sweeps Fogg off his feet. He too expresses his love for her and AoudaÂ’s heart overflows at this confession. Finally, the formidable man and the brave woman come together and decide to get married the next day. Passepartout is more than happy to see them come together. It is his dream come true. He is asked to go to the Reverend Samuel Wilson to arrange for the marriage to take place the next day, which they all think is Monday. After starting on a sad note, the chapter seems to be ending in a more positive way. Table of Contents | Message Board | Downloadable/Printable Version | ![]() |