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Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Barron's Booknotes
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1. B
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B

11. Begin by analyzing the novel's narrative structure. Give
examples of the different narrators. Then discuss the effect
Bronte creates by switching narrators. Here are some
possibilities: suspense is built; extraordinary events seem
believable; different points of view are given equal weight and
you must decide which interpretation is most valid. Refer to
specific episodes, and try to examine the effect of each
narrator's tone. -

12. Begin by discussing how revenge operates in the novel.
Look at Heathcliff's desire for revenge: Is it just? Does it go
too far? Be sure to discuss specific episodes, and show both
how Heathcliff feels and how Emily Bronte seems to feel about
his revenge. Go on to discuss other characters: Hindley, Cathy
Earnshaw, Isabella, Edgar, Hareton-both those who do and
those who do not seek revenge.

Relate the theme of revenge to the other themes on the novel:
forgiveness, suffering, love, and continuity between
generations. Do you think revenge is the major theme? Why or
why not? How does Emily Bronte seem to regard revenge? -

13. Begin by presenting the two halves of the novel, each half
devoted to one generation. Discuss how the characters and the
plot of one generation are repeated in the next. Then focus on
some of these mirrored pairs, such as the two Cathys, or a pair
of events, such as the two marriages. In each pair discuss both
the similarities and differences. In your concluding paragraph
sum up how the two generations are alike and how they are
different, and discuss what Bronte may be trying to express
through this contrast. -

14. Analyze different aspects of Bronte's style (discuss specific
passages). Relate her style to the style of her times and discuss
her use of local dialect. Be sure to point out 1. the natural
imagery; 2. the supernatural imagery; and 3. the violence of her
language. How do these stylistic elements add to the tone and
mood of the novel? Relate them also to the novel's themes:
How does this type of language express Bronte's moral
outlook? -

15. This is an open-ended question. You may discuss various
aspects of the book that seem eternally youthful: Why does its
themes appeal to young readers, for instance? Why does the
novel seem as though a young author wrote it? Be sure to refer
to the events, themes, and characters of the book. For example,
you can discuss Heathcliff and Cathy as characters who in a
sense never grow up. Or you can discuss Emily Bronte's love
of childhood and its associated freedoms. (What happens to
people when they grow up in the novel?) Or you can examine
how the personalities of the characters are determined by their
youthful experiences (compare Heathcliff and Cathy Earnshaw,
or Cathy Linton and Linton Heathcliff). You could also discuss
the way children are treated, and how that relates to the themes.
Or discuss how the resolution of the novel is worked out by a
younger generation (Hareton and Cathy). Whatever you choose
to discuss, cover enough of the novel to show that you know
the book well, and that the theme of childhood is truly a major
element of the novel.

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Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Barron's Booknotes

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