| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes VOCABULARY LOSS Words not only change their meanings. They are frequently discarded from the language. In the past, 'anon' meant 'immediately', 'gyve' meant 'fetter', and 'horologe' meant 'clock'. The following words used in Othello are no longer current in English but their meanings can usually be gauged from the contexts in which they occur. CERTES (I, i, 16) certainly THEORIC (I, i, 24) theory TOGED (I, i, 25) dressed in a toga ANCIENT (I, i, 33) ensign AFFINED (I, i, 39) constrained OWE (I, i, 67) own GERMANS (I, i, 114) close relatives YERKED (I, ii, 5) thrust, pushed CARACK (I, ii, 50) ship INJOINTED (I, iii, 35) united ENGLUTS (I, iii, 57) swallows up ANTRES (I, iii, 139) caves
GRISE (I, iii, 198) step AGNIZE (I, iii, 229) acknowledge SEEL (I, iii, 266) blind ACERBE (I, iii, 345) bitter ENCHAFED (II, i, 17) angry SE'NNIGHT (II, i, 77) week ENWHEEL (II, i, 87) encircle SALT (II, i, 233) lusting, lustful LOWN (II, iii, 87) rogue, fool MAZZARD (II, iii, 148) head QUILLETS (III, i, 23) quibbles WIT (III, iii, 463) intelligence ECSTACY (IV, i, 79) fit CALLET (IV, ii, 120) whore, drab MOE (IV, iii, 54) more RELUME (V, ii, 13) relight REPROBANCE (V, ii, 208) damnation. Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes |