To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
While Atticus is trying to take in this news, the sheriff asks Scout to describe exactly
what happened. He inspects her battered costume, and comments that the heavy frame
probably saved her life. Bob Ewell had been out to kill both Jem and Scout, his cowardly way of taking revenge on Atticus.
After hearing the story of the fight Sheriff Tate asks who the fourth person was,
the man who rescued Jem and carried him back to the Finch house. At that moment,
Scout realizes that the mysterious rescuer has been standing in a dark corner of
the bedroom all along.
"Why there he is, Mr. Tate," Scout says, "he can tell
you his name."
The man says nothing. Scout notices that his skin is pale and sallow looking, and
his eyes are so washed out that they seem to have no color at all. His smile is weak
and timid. All at once, Scout realizes who the stranger must be.
It is Boo Radley.
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