| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes GLOSSARY / VOCABULARY LIST ALARUM -Trumpet call AUGURS - Prophesies BELLONA - Goddess of War BENISON - Blessing CHARNEL HOUSES - Bone-storage vaults EQUIVOCATOR - Liar GOLGOTHA - Place of the Skull, in Hebrew; the hill near Jerusalem where Christ was crucified, hence a place of torture or martyrdom
GORGON - A mythical female monster who was so hideous that anyone who looked at her turned to stone GRAYMALKIN - A witch's familiar (a gray cat) HECATE - Goddess of Sorcery SECOND COCK - About three in the morning SENNET - Trumpet call TARQUIN - Roman Tyrant who raped Lucrece THANES - Scottish noblemen WASSAIL - Carousing WEIRD SISTERS - Wyrd, Old English for "fate"; possibly the three Fates, or Destinies
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