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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Barron's Booknotes
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Belief in fairies had dwindled along with paganism as the
influence of Christianity grew in Europe. Fairies were
often depicted as amoral and came to represent a way of
life opposite to the good life of the Christian faith. Tolkien
ennobles his elves by allying them with the good and
making them the most ethical of his races.
The company travels down the river until they reach the
point at which they must choose between Minas Tirith and
Mordor. Frodo, as Ring-bearer, must decide his course, and
the others will follow him or not as they choose. Frodo
goes off alone to think, and after a time Boromir joins him.
Boromir, who has been acting strangely, tries to convince
Frodo to give him the Ring, so that he can use its power
against the enemy. When Frodo refuses, he tries to take it.
Frodo puts on the Ring and disappears. As he runs away, he
feels the eye of Sauron searching for him.
In this scene Tolkien shows the relationship between
destiny and free will. Two voices struggle within Frodo.
One is that of Sauron, calling Frodo to him. The other tells
Frodo to take off the Ring. Suddenly realizing that he's free
to choose, he takes off the Ring. Already he's seen the evil
power of the Ring at work in its temptation of Boromir.
Therefore, he decides to pursue the quest alone. He tries to
slip away by boat but Sam catches up with him. Together,
the two hobbits head for Mordor.
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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Barron's Booknotes