The Iliad
Over the centuries there have been many translations of Homer's two great epics, the Iliad and the
Odyssey. While the translations of course differ, none is more accurate than another. Each translator's
understanding of Homer is influenced by his own personality and the time in which he lived. Some
translations are in verse, others in prose. The quotations in this guide are from Richmond Lattimore's
prose version of the Iliad (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951). This translation is easy for
modern readers to understand and comes close to what Homer was saying.
It is interesting to compare the various translations. Here are four versions of some lines from Book II.
Say, Virgins, seated round the Throne Divine,
All-knowing Goddesses! Immortal Nine!
Since Earth's wide Regions, Heav'n's unmeasur'd Height,
And Hell's Abyss hide nothing from your sight,
(We, wretched Mortals! lost in Doubts below,
But guess by Rumour, and but boast we know)
Oh say what Heroes, fir'd by Thirst of Fame,
Or urg'd by Wrongs, to Troy's Destruction Came?
To count them all, demands a thousand Tongues,
A Throat of Brass, and Adamantine Lungs.
Daughters of Jove assist! inspir'd by You
The mighty labour dauntless I pursue:
What crowded Armies, from what Climes they bring,
Their Names, their Numbers, and their Chiefs I sing.
Alexander Pope
Tell me now, ye Muses that dwell in the mansions of Olympus- seeing that ye are goddesses and are
at hand and know all things, but we hear only a rumour and know not anything- who were the captains of
the Danaans and their lords. But the common sort could I not number nor name, nay, not if ten tongues
were mine and ten mouths, and a voice unwearied, and my heart of bronze within me, did not the Muses
of Olympus, daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus, put into my mind all that came to Ilios. So will I tell the
captains of the ships and all the ships in order.
Lang, Leaf, and Myers
Tell me now, Muses, dwelling on Olympos, as you are heavenly, and are everywhere, and everything
is known to you- while we can only hear the tales and never know- who were the Danaan lords and
officers? The rank and file I shall not name; I could not, if I were gifted with ten tongues and voices
unfaltering, and a brazen heart within me, unless the Muses, daughters of Olympian Zeus beyond the
stormcloud, could recall all those who sailed for the campaign at Troy. Let me name only the captains of
contingents and number all the ships.
Robert Fitzgerald
Tell me now, you Muses who have your homes on Olympos. For you, who are goddesses, are there,
and you know all things, and we have heard only the rumour of it and know nothing. Who then of those
were the chief men and the lords of the Danaans? I could not tell over the multitude of them nor name
them, not if I had ten tongues and ten mouths, not if I had a voice never to be broken and a heart of
bronze within me, not unless the Muses of Olympia, daughters of Zeus of the aegis, remembered all those
who came beneath Ilion. I will tell the lords of the ships, and the ships numbers.
Richard Lattimore
For nine years the Achaians have besieged Troy. During one of their raids on a nearby town they take
as captives two women: Chryseis, daughter of Chryses, priest of Apollo, and Briseis. Chryseis is given to
King Agamemnon as a war prize; Briseis is allotted to Achilleus. When Chryses the priest comes to the
Argive camp seeking to ransom his daughter, Agamemnon refuses. At Chryses' behest Apollo sends a
plague on the Achaians.
Achilleus calls an assembly of the army, and the soothsayer Kalchas explains the anger of the god.
He says that to appease Apollo, Agamemnon must return Chryseis to her father. A violent quarrel ensues,
and Agamemnon says if he is forced to give up his prize he will take someone else's to replace her. When
Achilleus expresses outrage at this demand, Agamemnon takes Briseis from him.
Furious at the public insult, Achilleus vows to refrain from fighting until he feels he is once again
properly valued. To effect this, he prays to his mother, Thetis, to plead his case before Zeus so that the
Trojans will have victories, showing how sorely Achilleus is missed. Zeus assents to the plan.
All the Achaian army is marshaled before us in its splendor, but to little avail. Things go badly for
them in battle. A long day of fighting seesaws between the Trojans and the Argives. Hektor returns
briefly to Troy and speaks to Helen and Paris, to his mother Hekabe, and to his wife Andromache, who
brings along their child, Astyanax.
After more inconclusive fighting a truce is proposed, during which time the Achaians build up their
defenses with a large ditch and a fortified wall.
The next day the Trojans press the Argives, camping on the plain of Troy within striking distance of
the Argive ships. Sensing defeat, Agamemnon admits his mistakes and offers to return Briseis to
Achilleus, along with numerous other gifts. An embassy is sent to Achilleus with the proposal, but
Achilleus refuses. The depth of his anger and shame forces him to hold out.
Diomedes and Odysseus carry out a nighttime spying expedition, during which the unfortunate
Trojan Dolon is captured and made to talk. The two warriors then raid the outskirts of the Trojan camp.
Though Agamemnon in particular fights bravely, he and all the other major Achaians except Aias are
wounded and forced to retire temporarily from battle. They are vulnerable to attack, and Hektor leads the
Trojans crashing through the wall to reach the ships and burn them. But Achilleus is watching as the
ships are torched. Neither he nor his comrade Patroklos can endure the defeat. Patroklos dons Achilleus'
armor to fight against the Trojans, hoping they will mistake him for Achilleus and be demoralized.
Patroklos rouses the Achaian army, and the Trojans are swept back to their city walls. Finally Hektor
meets Patroklos face to face. Unarmed and shaken by Apollo, Patroklos is an easy victim for Hektor's
A furious battle over the body of the dead Patroklos follows. The fierce fighting swings back and
forth. Though Hektor seizes the armor, the Achaians are able to rescue the body. Pressed hard by Hektor
and his forces, the Achaians retreat to their ships. By then Achilleus has been brought the terrible news of
the death of his friend. Enraged and brokenhearted, Achilleus turns his anger from Agamemnon to
Hektor. Though Achilleus has no armor, his mere appearance on the battlefield sends the Trojans fleeing
in terror. Hephaistos crafts a stupendous set of armor for him, and after calling an assembly in which he
and Agamemnon make their peace, Achilleus dons his new armor and rages into battle. Virtually all the
Trojans are slaughtered. Achilleus brings Hektor down, ties him to his chariot, and drags him through the
dust back to the ships.
The Achaians solemnly and elaborately bury Patroklos, while Achilleus laments and continues to
brutalize the corpse of Hektor. The gods decide it is time to end this situation, and through Zeus' efforts
Priam is sent to the Achaian camp to ransom the body of his son. Achilleus and Priam weep together over
their mutual losses; then Priam returns to Troy with the body of Hektor.
Within the city walls the Trojans formally mourn their slain hero. Andromache, Hekabe, and Helen
lament his passing. Hektor is buried.
[The Iliad Contents]
Achilleus, the son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis, is the leader of the Myrmidon contingent in
the Trojan War. He is clearly the greatest of the Achaian warriors, in the judgment of both friend and
enemy. The very sight of him on the battlefield is enough to send the Trojans fleeing in terror. Part of this
power comes from his divine connections (his mother, Thetis, is a goddess), part from divine favor (at
crucial points Hera and Athene look out for him and help him). This may also be a way of telling us of
the enormous personal resources Achilleus has at his command.
Achilleus' vast emotional and physical powers are not always at the service of clearheadedness.
Though his initial anger at Agamemnon is based on a sense of moral justice, his rage transcends his
sense of morality. His emotions motivate him more than his thoughts, for he holds onto his fury even after
Agamemnon offers to return Briseis with an apology. At that point he is no longer operating for a
principle of fairness but is playing out his anger and punishing his enemies. Unfortunately, his comrades
must pay the price of his passions. Not until his friend Patroklos has been sacrificed does Achilleus realize
he has held his position too long.
Yet he is a complex, vital man. There is little doubt that he is right in taking a stand against
Agamemnon's arbitrary decisions. He is one of those people who will fight to the death for what they
believe in. Though his anger is fierce and relentless, there is nevertheless something noble in it. His sheer
intensity demands respect. Because he is the one character actually to undergo change, the Iliad is really
his poem. He loses much along the way but finally tempers his anger and reaches out in a gesture of
compassion and peace toward Priam. Achilleus is first in the line of great Greek tragic heroes: his power
makes him a hero, and his human blindness makes him tragic.
Although many of the Greek commanders are kings in their own right, Agamemnon as commander-
in-chief is king of them all, the "lord of men." We don't know whether he was given this
position by virtue of the size or wealth of his home city, Mykenai, or because he is the powerful brother
of the wronged Menelaos, or if he was voted as leader by all the other Achaians. Agamemnon's position,
however, is the key to his character. Behind his actions in his quarrel with Achilleus lies a need to protect
the trappings of his office, his rank. Quite simply, the king cannot have less than his subjects; respect
must be shown. Yet Agamemnon, too, is rash, and there is pride in his actions as much as in Achilleus'.
Though in battle he proves himself a strong fighter, he seems to be less sure as a leader. Several times he
suggests that the Achaians give up their struggle, and an uncertainty about his position may make him too
quick to jump at Achilleus. He is fast to recognize his wrong and make an apology (within the limits of
his sense of rank), and shows a tender care for his brother, Menelaos. He seems to have genuine concern
for his army; yet his judgment is none too sharp and he waffles. For all his kingliness, he is somewhat
more bureaucratic than noble. His arbitrariness with Achilleus brings the heroic code into question.
Son of Telamon (hence called Telemonian Aias), he is, after Achilleus, the most imposing of the
Argive warriors. He is frequently compared to a wall, and, in fact, as the last hero on the field after all the
others have been wounded, he practically single-handedly defends the ships, roaming the fortified wall
and then fighting from the prow of a boat. In a way, he is the Achaian defensive wall personified. He
rarely speaks in council. What he does is defend his comrades to the end by sheer bulk and human will,
and he does not give up until, the last man left, his very spear is hacked from his hands.
Diomedes is one of the great fighters for the Achaians. A true warrior, he supports Agamemnon
when he feels the commander-in-chief is right and criticizes him when he is wrong. He is aided by Athene
and is also responsible for wounding both Aphrodite and Ares- a remarkable feat for a mortal (although it
is accomplished with the aid of Athene). He does not have Odysseus' spark of insight, but he speaks
seriously, if haltingly. This may be because he is the youngest of the Achaian commanders. At times he
seems too eager for battle, and his killing of Dolon has a touch of ruthlessness about it.
The original husband of Helen, brother of Agamemnon, and king of Sparta, Menelaos has the
unlucky distinction of being the person on whose behalf the war is being fought. He is dogged but not
quite illustrious. He fights hard, though not particularly skillfully, and seems at times to be protected by
Agamemnon. He is willing to bear the burden of responsibility but is not quite up to the challenge.
Nestor, the aged king of Pylos, is one of the most elaborately conceived characters in the Iliad. He has
not only a consistent set of ideas, but a consistent way of talking. He is forever long-winded and rambling.
His characterization is due largely to his age: he is the oldest of the warriors at Troy. His wayward
speeches are the product of a mind not quite as quick as it used to be, and also filled with a bit of blustery
memory to pad the way. Yet he always has a point to make, and his age is not ridiculed. His experience
gives him the justification to draw forth moral examples. That these examples come mostly from his own
life shows a kind of fond respect for him on the part of Homer. Though no longer able to fight the way he
used to, he is eager to aid the cause in whatever way he can.
Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is seen in many ways as the counterpart to Achilleus. He is the hero of the
other epic by Homer, the Odyssey. Where Achilleus is passionate, Odysseus is resourceful. Achilleus is
often seen as archaic man, the idealist, while Odysseus is viewed as modern man, the pragmatic survivor.
In the Iliad he seems to have the quickest mind of all and is able to interrupt arguments with just the right
measure of understanding and criticism. He always tries to keep things in order so that the matter at hand-
the battle for Troy- can move forward. He is a great fighter and can be ruthless as well as tricky. He is
also a true friend, the kind that does not mince words but tells you honestly (but with tact) what is the
Companion to Achilleus and son of Menoitios, Patroklos is the most sympathetic character in the
Iliad. He is shown more often in friendship than in battle, and he is spoken of in the kindest terms by
Achilleus and Briseis, both of whom he befriended. Though faithful to Achilleus, he can't endure the
sight of his comrades being slaughtered, and if he can't rouse Achilleus to fight, he begs to be able to
fight in Achilleus' place. The enormity of Achilleus' affection for him and the funeral rites held for his
sake make him seem particularly noble.
Andromache, wife of Hektor, is the most emotionally up-front character in the Iliad. Her speeches to
Hektor are filled with passion and intensity. She is a devoted wife and mother and also shows her
knowledge of the pleasure of emotional intimacy. Her grief is so directly communicated that she seems to
stand for all Trojan women who have lost husbands and sons in the war. Her devotion and immediacy
make us feel how much is wasted by the conflict at Troy, and add to our appreciation of Hektor.
Wife of Priam and mother of Hektor, Hekabe incorporates the wisdom of women who understand
intuitively the value of life. In urging Hektor not to go back into battle she reminds us of all the positive
social aspects of existence. Her response to Priam's mission of recondition is similarly a primal concern:
she has seen too much loveliness destroyed to trust anymore in the vicious war and its participants. She
has a mother's instinctual protectiveness and rage, and says she would devour the liver of the hated
Achilleus if she could- but her fury is born of grief and desperation.
Son of Priam and Hekabe, and husband to Andromache, Hektor is the most beloved and greatest
fighter for the Trojans. Because the war is being fought at Troy, and Homer presents a picture of life
within the city walls, we have a sense of Hektor as a domestic man as well as a fighter, which is unique in
the Iliad. Though at times his fame as a fighter seems to outstrip his actual combat ability, he often
single-handedly inspires the Trojan successes. By the time he crashes through the Achaian defensive
wall, you could say he stands for the Trojan army. He can be impetuous and almost deluded in his
fighting frenzy; he misreads omens and doesn't follow the advice of his comrades even when it's
eminently worthwhile. Like Achilleus, he pursues his destiny with a single-minded force.
We sense that Hektor is not fighting a war he particularly believes in. He is quick to criticize Paris but
is staking his life on defending Paris' actions. Hektor is the upholder of the heroic code par excellence. He
understands that his city must stand or fall as one man. He defends its interests to the end for honor.
In his family relations Hektor exhibits sensitivity and sanity, a sharp contrast to his furious warring.
He is courteous to Helen and devoted to Andromache. Though he tells his wife he must fight for the honor
of the city, he also admits to her that her safety is his greatest worry- he would rather die than endure the
sight of her made captive. He is tender and playful with his son, Astyanax, kissing him and actually
laughing out loud- a rare occurrence in the Iliad!
While Achilleus seems somehow to stand above the Achaian cause and infuses the poem with his
own tragic dimension, Hektor's tragedy is the tragedy of Troy. Though the gods admit he has always
dutifully made his sacrifices to them, he gets embroiled in a web of fate that goes beyond his personal
life. He is the "defender," and when he falls Troy falls. The burial of Hektor is the final act of
the poem.
Even more so than Paris, Helen is the unwitting agent of Aphrodite. In her one important scene with
the goddess she is literally forced to go to Paris against her wishes. Helen has a mysterious quality
throughout the poem- as she will throughout Greek history- and her descent from Zeus (and Leda) may
give her a special divine aura. Renowned for her beauty, she appears in the poem in flowing, sheer robes
that only intensify her spectral quality. She frequently regrets her abduction by Paris and sometimes
longingly thinks of her past with Menelaos. She furiously rebukes Paris for his cowardice, even expressing
a wish that he die in battle so that she won't have to be with him any longer. By recognizing that
Aphrodite has misled and used her, she also recognizes her own mistake. In the Iliad, Helen is a love
goddess against her will.
Pampered, beautiful, and slightly scandalous, Paris is the actual cause of the Trojan War- he stole
Helen from his host, Menelaos. He is chided by Hektor for his womanizing and his prettiness, and even
Helen seems to be fed up with his shamelessness and lack of modesty. He is an adequate fighter, but
clearly his heart is somewhere else. While others are busying themselves with the gruesome realities of
war, Paris is making love to Helen. Helen expresses regret but Paris never apologizes for bringing war
down on his people and making them defend his rather indefensible actions. It is important to note that
he achieves what he does through the aid and insistence of Aphrodite. He both benefits from and is used
by her power.
Poulydamas, comrade of Hektor, embodies some of the spirit of both Patroklos and Odysseus, and
fulfills a similar role as they do to Achilleus. He is the confidant of Hektor, and they seem to have had a
long-standing relationship, but he is also clear-sighted when Hektor is impetuous, and the advice he gives-
though not always followed- is careful and cleverly reasoned.
Priam is the Trojan counterpart to Nestor, the elder statesman and ruler with a dynasty. He is gentle
and wise with his people, and is a fond (and prolific) father. Though his temper flares momentarily after
the death of his son, Hektor, he treats even Helen respectfully. In his nighttime voyage to the Achaian
camp he shows extreme courage. He is a man who cherishes his family and is able to reach out to
Achilleus on this basis of human connections.
Just who or what the gods and goddesses are is one of the Iliad's most intriguing questions.
Sometimes they are religious figures, sometimes allegorical, sometimes psychological. Their relation to
humans is extremely complex.
One way of looking at the gods is as a way of explaining how or why an event took place. Thus, if a
warrior throws a spear at another warrior and misses, Homer might say that Athene caused the spear to
overshoot its target. Similar to this approach is a psychological reading of the gods. When Helen is
arguing with Aphrodite about going to Paris in Book III, we could say that's another way of Helen talking
to herself and trying to figure out her true desire.
Sometimes the immortals in the Iliad can be seen as abstracted powers. Ares, for instance, is
sometimes conceived of as war itself, not as a character. When the ground springs into bloom beneath
Hera and Zeus in Book XIV, we could say that these two immortals themselves are possessed of the
abstracted power of Aphrodite or, simply, love and fertility.
It is also clear that the gods and goddesses are characters in the Iliad, and as such display
individuality and will in their actions. They are used as comic relief from the war, mimicking and
mocking mortals. They are even parodies of humanity, and since they are supposedly so powerful (they're
quite literally "above it all" on Olympos), their squabbles and tricks seem foolish in
comparison. As characters, Homer uses the immortals skillfully to further his plot. They can intervene,
favor one side or another, and force mortals to do things against their will. Though they can manipulate
human lives, it is not at all clear that they can change human destiny. Thus, all their machinations may
just be another way of saying this or that event took place. Comic or terrifying, they have this distinction
in the poem- they are entirely creatures of the imagination. Unless, of course, they are real!...
Goddess of love, Aphrodite fights in support of the Trojans, backing Paris in his judgment among the
goddesses. She is not particularly successful in the battle and is wounded by Diomedes. She is not,
however, all free and easy. She ruthlessly threatens Helen to do her bidding, and in a way the Trojan War
is due to her manipulation. The power of love she governs is able to bring men to battle.
The far-shooting god who causes the initial plague against the Achaians, Apollo is a defender of Troy
and supporter of Hektor in battle.
Ares is the cold-blooded and bloodthirsty god of war. He aids the Trojan side and is sometimes
pictured, allegorically, as war itself. Those who fight well are said to be "dear to Ares."
Athene, in league with Hera against the Trojans- and for the same reason- is nevertheless more
closely allied to Achilleus. Their relationship seems to be one of mutually powerful warriors. Athene, with
her aegis that she shares with Zeus, is the most powerful war force of all. She is unflinching in combat,
but her warrior stance is mediated by wisdom. She is the fiercest possible ally and is there for Achilleus at
his most crucial moments.
The lame god of the blacksmith's art (and its fire), Hephaistos fashions in his smithy a stupendous set
of armor for Achilleus. Hephaistos can make himself a jester to amuse the other immortals but can also
bring a fiercer power to bear. He sends a raging firestorm against the river Xanthos to aid Achilleus.
Hera, wife of Zeus, is one of the great troublemakers in the Iliad. Her anger and trickery keep things
moving any time they threaten to go slack. She resents Zeus and his power as much as she may love him,
but she has found ways of circumventing his will. She supports Achilleus chiefly because she loathes the
Trojans- evidently because Paris insulted her by choosing Aphrodite as the loveliest of the immortals. She
lies to both Zeus and Aphrodite to get her way, and her eye is that of a relentless housewife who does not
miss a thing.
Poseidon is the god of the sea and is also known as the shaker-of-the-earth. He sides with the
Achaians and bristles under the authority of his older brother, Zeus. He is extremely powerful, and when
he commits himself to battle it feels as if the earth were coming apart.
Divine mother of Achilleus, Thetis is emotional and devoted to her son. She pleads his case before
Zeus and is ever-watchful from her domain in the sea. She knows of Achilleus' fated death and mourns
him before he has actually died. As fiercely protective of her son as Hekabe is of Hektor, she arranges for
Hephaistos to craft divine armor for Achilleus. In her sea caves she is surrounded by the company of the
Nereids, the sporting sea nymphs.
Zeus, the most powerful god of all- and quick to let everyone know it- is, in a way, the author of the
poem. His plan to bring about the redemption of Achilleus really creates the plot structure. Zeus is the
great sky god, one of the powerful second generation of Greek deities who took over the world from its
primal forces. His father was Kronos, and his brothers are Poseidon and Hades. Among the immortals, his
will is absolute; not absolute enough, however, to prevent him from being tricked by his wife Hera when
she sets her mind to it. He has a fierce and merciless vengeance, and his will is crossed only at great peril.
The face he shows to mortals is usually one of thunder and lightning, though he can also communicate
via bird omens, usually in the form of an eagle. He tolerates the squabbles and feuds of the other gods
and goddesses as if they were all his children. He demands- and rewards- absolute respect. He may or may
not be able to influence fate, but he certainly has the scales in his possession.
[The Iliad Contents]
When the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavated the site of Mykenai in the late 19th
century, he found amid an extraordinary series of royal graves a magnificent gold mask of a man.
Schliemann announced to the world that he had gazed upon the face of Agamemnon, the "lord of
men." Later scientific analyses proved that the mask predated Agamemnon by several generations,
but nevertheless Schliemann's discoveries brought Homer's Iliad squarely into the real world. The
historical reality of the Trojan War was established.
The thing that led Schliemann- as well as readers for several thousand years- to believe that Mykenai
really existed was the vividness of Homer's descriptions. The world of the Iliad is filled with minute
details of life in the Bronze Age. Even though most of Homer's information must have been handed down
through centuries of memorized refrains, the pictures he presents often have the accuracy of documentary
film. His descriptions of the bronze-armored Achaians, with their horse-plumed helmets, long spears, and
figure-eight shields, give a picture of ancient Greek battle gear, which has since been proven accurate by
archaeologists' discoveries. The detailed catalog of ships in Book II is practically a geography lesson,
ranging over the entire Greek world. Today we still can walk around the foundations of the walled cities
of Troy and Mykenai and see the remnants of the great-halled megarons and their battlements that Homer
described. We can learn of weaving, hunting, and shipbuilding from Homer; of plowing and shepherding
and how to make offerings to appease the gods. His battle scenes show a startling knowledge of human
anatomy, and though they occur again and again- often in the same words- the episodes throw us right
into the crunch of combat.
Greek tradition says that the Trojan War took place in the 12th century B.C., and archaeological and
linguistic evidence supports the claim. The Greeks- Homer refers to them at different times as Argives or
Achaians or Danaans- were an alliance of small kingdoms, each with its own rulers, powerful clans, and
legends. In the Trojan War, a federation of these Greek kingdoms mounted a great political expedition
across the Aegean Sea. They sailed to Troy, on the west coast of Asia Minor, also known as Ilios (that's
where the name Iliad comes from).
Why did these Greeks undertake such a complicated and faraway venture? If we are interested only in
history, we might suggest that they wanted to capture the lucrative merchant trade monopolized by Troy,
which was strategically located on the edge of the Black Sea, between Asia and the West. If we are
intrigued by poetry- and the Iliad, for all its historical accuracies, is above all a work of poetry- we must
take into account the legend of Helen of Troy and move into the world of myth that surrounds the Argive
The Iliad focuses on one small part of the Trojan War, nine years into the siege. (Homer's audience
would already have known the details of how the war started and how it ended. Each poem in the Epic
Cycle dealt with a particular part of the story, and even if the other poems were written later than the
Iliad, the whole story most likely was common knowledge.) There are really two wars narrated in the
Iliad: one between the Greeks and Trojans, and one among the gods themselves. And two legends explain
the beginnings of the Trojan War.
The first concerns Helen, the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda (though she is also said to have been
sired by Zeus, who took the form of a swan to ravish Leda). Helen was the most beautiful woman in
Achaea. When she was of marrying age, suitors flocked from all over Greece to offer her gifts and
marriage. Her father Tyndareus was afraid to antagonize any of these powerful kings and princes by
choosing one of them. Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, suggested that they all swear to support whoever
among them was chosen. The lucky winner was the very rich Menelaos of Sparta, brother to King
Agamemnon of Mykenai, which was the most powerful of the Greek kingdoms.
The second legend concerns Paris, one of the sons of King Priam of Troy. Handsome young Paris was
placed in a predicament by Zeus. At the wedding of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis, Eris (whose name
means "strife") threw down a golden apple, with the inscription "for the fairest"
written on it. Unwilling to decide whether the apple should go to Aphrodite, Athene, or Hera, his wife,
Zeus turned the sticky question over to Paris, who happened to be wandering on Mount Ida near Troy.
Each goddess tried to bribe Paris to choose her, but Aphrodite offered him the love of Spartan Helen
which, backed up with the goddess's own undeniable beauty, swayed Paris to her cause. From that point,
Hera and Athene vowed revenge on Paris' home town, Troy.
The two legends then came together.
Paris went to Sparta as a guest of Menelaos. While Menelaos was away on a mission, Helen ran off to
Troy with her handsome guest, becoming Helen of Troy. The Greeks, having sworn to defend whoever
married Helen, gathered together a massive naval force to sail for Troy. Some say raising the army took
ten years. According to the figures in Book II of the Iliad, the force assembled had more than 1100 ships
and between 50,000 and 100,000 men. The Achaians camped on the beachhead near the plain of Troy
and besieged the city unsuccessfully for nine years, making occasional forays into neighboring towns,
looting gold and carrying off women for their pleasure. This is where the Iliad begins- occupying a few
weeks in the siege of Troy and centered around the great Argive warrior Achilleus and his battle with the
Trojan prince, Hektor.
The Iliad never shows us the fall of Troy, though it foreshadows it. According to legend, the Greeks
later persuaded the Trojans to accept an offering of a giant wooden horse. Once the horse was inside the
gates, the Greeks jumped out from their hiding place within it, opened the gates of the city, and sacked
Troy. Helen was taken back by Menelaos, and the Achaians sailed for home. Of course, another poem-
the Odyssey- tells us about that journey home, focusing on Odysseus' voyage back to Ithaca.
[Mythological Background of Homer's Iliad]
The Iliad takes place during a fierce war between the Trojans and Achaians. Almost the entire poem
is devoted to the fighting, from an initial overview of the forces to minute descriptions of combat. The
descriptions of battle wounds and death are shockingly accurate; reading them, we cannot help but feel
the bitterness of war. Since the two major characters- Hektor and Achilleus- either die or have their death
foreshadowed, a sense of futility is also built into Homer's chronicle. And yet, posed against the
viciousness is a sense of heroism and glory that adds a glamor to the fighting. Homer both abhors war
and glorifies it.
Against the conflicts taking place on the plain of Troy, the domestic scenes within the city walls have
a sweetness and sorrow. Along with the similes that tell of peacetime efforts back home in Greece, these
scenes serve as contrast to the war, reminding us of what human values are destroyed by fighting, as well
as what is worth fighting for.
The concept of heroism and the honor that results from it is one of the major currents running
through the poem. Achilleus' struggle revolves around his belief in an honor system opposed to
Agamemnon's royal privilege. In a way, his struggle is one of faith: can he continue to believe in the
ideals for which he has fought so valiantly and relentlessly? If not, what values can he hold onto? His
conflict is not just with Agamemnon. War itself threatens the very code it supports. We see fighter after
fighter enter the fray in search of honor; fighter after fighter is slain before our eyes. These men are
certainly heroes: they are strong and courageous and larger than life. But posed against the backdrop of
war, is their struggle worth the sacrifice?
In the original Greek, "anger" is the word that opens the Iliad- Achilleus' anger and the
destruction it brought to the Achaians. One of the major themes of the poem is thus Achilleus' coming to
terms with his anger. In a broader sense, we can read this as man's need to take responsibility for his
actions and emotions. Viewed this way, the Iliad is a poem of psychological and emotional growth.
Achilleus must learn to civilize his rage. The tragic stake for this lesson is the death of his closest friend,
Patroklos. Similar to Achilleus' anger is Agamemnon's ate, the moral blindness that descends on him and
causes him impulsively to mistreat Achilleus. He, too, must learn responsibility for his actions and
The gods and goddesses on Olympos, all-powerful and often ridiculous, are contrasted to the mortals,
so seriously engaged on earth. The immortals are gigantic; they live forever and have nothing to fear.
Beside them, humanity seems small, yet at the same time it gains tragic stature. Though the mortals are
puny in comparison, there is something ennobling about their struggle to find value and moral meaning
in their lives, and something heroic in the wholehearted way they engage in their pursuit. These men,
whose lives are so clearly bounded by time and the fates, play out their destiny with fervor and depth of
feeling. It is the gods, in fact, who often seem casual and small-minded. The Iliad shows us a human
world filled with struggle and brutality, a world nevertheless in which mortals exercise will in the face of
divine intervention- to create their lives according to their own terms of value, to suffer existence and
discover its possible meaning.
The Iliad is composed in a traditional epic measure known as dactylic hexameters. This means each
line is made up of six metrical feet. The first five feet in the line can be either a dactyl (one long and two
shorts, - ' ') or a spondee (two longs, - - ); the last foot is always a spondee. Thus the poem has a formal
rhythm that is consistent throughout and yet varied from line to line. This regularity made it easier to
memorize, while the variety prevented it from being monotonous (imagine hearing the same beat over
and over again for 15,000 lines!).
Though the version we have is divided into 24 books, this was probably the work of later editors of the
poem, or perhaps the books marked natural breaks in the work where the reciting poets took a rest or the
reciters were changed.
You will notice many phrases- sometimes whole passages- repeated verbatim throughout the Iliad.
These formulaic sequences are probably part of a whole fund of stock phrases that the oral poets had at
their disposal. It has been shown recently that many of these formulas are based on metrics; they occur
mostly at the ends of lines so they can fulfill the demands of the meter. In the same way, many of the
descriptive phrases that are linked with a certain character happen to match the number of syllables in a
hero's name.
The epithets are one of the most famous stylistic elements of Homer's verse. Such phrases as
"swift-footed Achilleus," "Diomedes of the great war cry," "Hektor of the
shining helm," or "Agamemnon the lord of men" are repeated again and again.
Sometimes they seem to become part of the characters' names themselves. They define the characters by
putting them in their social roles- such as "the lord of men"- or by showing how their heroic
stature is due to a particular skill or virtue. Even if the epithets were added simply to fill out the metrical
line, each time we hear them we feel their force. The warriors grow to legendary dimension from having
their qualities as well as their names repeated.
It has been estimated that one third of the Iliad is repeated phrases, and perhaps much more than that
is part of a formulaic oral tradition. Yet Homer's use of these handed-down words becomes his own
virtue. He has been compared to an artist working in mosaic: the brilliant blue, red, and gold glass pieces
are his stock phrases; the final design and its execution are his alone.
The epithets show Homer working with his traditional material, but the extended similes bring vivid,
firsthand experience into the poem. A simile compares one thing to another, in the Iliad, the comparisons
take us out of the battle and into other areas of human experience, where events are equally tense and
Often, the similes depict scenes of domestic life, cultural and agricultural settings that take us back to
daily life in Achaia. They inform us of the Homeric world in its larger context and make the poem almost
a social encyclopedia.
Other similes are about animals. Creatures of the hunt, especially lions and boars, call to our
attention savage, instinctive qualities, making the battlefield seem at times like a jungle. We realize how
war tears at the thin fabric of human culture, exposing the beast beneath.
Sometimes the similes are about natural catastrophes, extremes of weather that topple fragile trees
and flood the land. Just as natural destruction is inevitable, so is the fate of the armies as they clash in
battle. The longer these similes grow, the more details Homer works in.
Two other stylistic elements are worth noting here. Homer often introduces a character and then offers
a capsule history either of his noble genealogy or of his heroic deeds. Sometimes the characters tell their
own histories. Nestor, for example, will recite his accomplishments the first chance he gets. These stories
may seem like digressions, but they generally heighten the social nature of the poem. They place these
characters within the context of their homelands and their families. More than that, these telescopic
stories must have given Homer's listeners a sense of their own past, of their ongoing social order and
values. One of the functions of a poet in a traditional oral society was to give this historical dimension, to
connect his listeners with their past and project a future for them. In a culture like theirs, where few
people, if any, could read, history itself was passed on by word of mouth. In the Iliad, if the warriors feel
that their deeds are worthy of history, they imagine themselves being sung of by the bards of future
generations. In Book VI, Helen even goes so far as to suggest that Zeus had wrapped her and Paris in his
web of destiny "so that hereafter/we shall be made into things of song for the men of the
It is also good to keep in mind that the Iliad is composed in large part of long speeches, either in
dramatic monologues or informal dialogues. This format may have offered opportunities for dramatics
during recital of the poems. It's certainly easier to follow a long poem like the Iliad when the voices do not
just alternate back and forth, but take time to express their characters in depth. This also gives the poem
an immediate presence. We hear of people doing things, but if they have something to say they say it to
each other right before us. Similarly, there is almost no interior dialogue in the poem. These are
characters who speak, rather than just think. Even Homer communicates with his muse in direct speech:
"Sing, goddess," he implores in the first line of the Iliad, and the poet sings.
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