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| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes TEST 2 _____ 1. After shooting Boggs, Colonel Sherburn - A. stands up to the lynch mob _____ 2. In talking to Jim about kings, Huck says that kings - A. aren't very interesting _____ 3. The king and the duke learn about the Wilks family from - A. the local newspapers _____ 4. Huck hides a stolen bag of gold in a - A. graveyard _____ 5. Of all the people in the Wilks family, Huck is most attracted to - A. Joanna
_____ 6. The king sells Jim to - A. Silas Phelps _____ 7. When Huck sees what finally happens to the king and the duke, he - A. feels sorry for them _____ 8. Tom agrees to help Jim because - A. he knows Jim is really free anyway _____ 9. When Tom thinks about how easy it will be to rescue Jim, he - A. tells Huck to stop worrying _____ 10. After his escape, Jim is recaptured because - A. he loses his way in the woods 11. What changes are there in Huck's feelings about the king and the duke, from their first arrival on board to the end of the novel? - 12. Show how Huck's feelings about the Grangerfords change from the time he meets them until the time he leaves. - 13. Trace Huck's feelings about slavery throughout the book, and show how they do or do not parallel his feelings about Jim. - 14. Explain why you think the whole book is either optimistic or pessimistic about human nature. - 15. Write a character sketch of Huck as a young man. - Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes ![]()