| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes A STEP BEYOND TESTS AND ANSWERS TEST _____ 1. Marlow got his post as a steamboat skipper
A. through his uncle's influence _____ 2. When the company doctor learned that Marlow was sailing to the interior, he asked,
A. "Could you bring me back an elephant's tusk?" _____ 3. As a company agent, Kurtz
A. failed to meet his quota repeatedly _____ 4. The brickmaker described Mr. Kurtz as
I. a prodigy
A. I and II only _____ 5. On the way up the river, Marlow despaired of A. ever seeing Edinburgh again _____ 6. Reference is made to Kurtz's report for
A. The Africa-Asia Society _____ 7. Joseph Conrad's remarkable Mr. Kurtz is said to personify
A. the dark side of every man _____ 8. In a postscript to his report, Kurtz is alleged to have scribbled
A. "Exterminate all the brutes!" _____ 9. Kurtz may be viewed as a symbol of
I. the white man's failure in Africa
A. I and II only _____ 10. Marlow's lie to the woman at the end of the story dealt with Kurtz's
A. last words 11. What is the meaning of the title Heart of Darkness? 12. Examine Conrad's narrative technique in Heart of Darkness. Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes |