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The Crucible by Arthur Miller - Barron's Booknotes
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Reverend Parris enters and explains that Reverend Hale is
praying with the prisoners, to get them to confess. Danforth
takes this as good news. But Parris isn't finished. Abigail and
Mercy Lewis have disappeared. They stole all Parris' money and
took passage on a ship three days ago. By now they are well out
of reach. And Parris thinks he knows why. A rumor has hit
Salem that the neighboring town of Andover "have thrown out
the court... and will have no part of witchcraft." The girls got
out before the storm hit here.
Parris' life has been threatened already, and he's afraid that
Salem will riot if they hang Proctor and Rebecca Nurse today.
But Danforth will not postpone the executions.
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The Crucible by Arthur Miller - Barron's Booknotes