| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes A STEP BEYOND TESTS AND ANSWERS TEST 1 _____ 1. The Knight A. sang bawdy songs _____ 2. The Prioress' gold brooch bore the inscription A. Honi soit qui mal y pense _____ 3. The Monk spent a good deal of time A. in fasting and doing penance _____ 4. The various guildsmen were represented by the A. Haberdasher, the Dyer, and the Weaver _____ 5. In describing the Doctor of Physic, Chaucer mentioned his special A. affection for gold _____ 6. The pilgrim who frequently quoted authorities on love was the A. Friar
_____ 7. In the General Prologue, Chaucer relied heavily on A. scholarship and wit _____ 8. The pilgrim with the fiery red complexion and the garlic breath was the A. Reeve _____ 9. One could buy indulgences from the effeminate A. Pardoner _____ 10. According to Chaucer's original plan, the pilgrims would have told A. 58 tales 11. In the Knight's Tale, Arcite and Palamon pin their hopes for winning love on fortune. Explain. 12. Why is Theseus often seen as the main character of the Knight's Tale? Use examples. 13. How is the Miller's tale of bawdiness a moral story? Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes