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| Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes A STEP BEYOND TESTS AND ANSWERS TEST 1 _____ 1. The title refers to Holden Caulfield's wish to A. protect children _____ 2. Which is not true of the novel? A. It is narrated in the first person _____ 3. Holden feels that A. Antolini is his only adult friend _____ 4. The novel opens and closes A. in Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania _____ 5. More than anything else, Holden hates A. old people _____ 6. Which pair of characters play similar roles in Holden's life? A. Phoebe and Sally Hayes _____ 7. Holden is beaten up by A. Ward Stradlater and Maurice
_____ 8. There us irony in A. Holden's love for Phoebe and his refusal to take her with him _____ 9. Which is true of Holden? A. He respects Mr. Ossenburger for his philanthropy _____ 10. Holden does not go directly home from Pencey Prep because A. he is afraid to face his parents until school officially closes for
the holidays 11. What is Holden's attitude toward Jane Gallagher, and why is it an important part of the novel? 12. What does Phoebe stand for in Holden's mind? 13. Why is Holden so concerned about the ducks on the lake in Central Park? 14. What is Holden's attitude toward girls, and what does this attitude say about him? 15. What is Holden's attitude toward religion, and what does this attitude say about him? Table of Contents | Message Board | Printable Version | MonkeyNotes ![]()