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Joseph Heller


  CHAPTERS         PLACES AND EVENTS                                        
  10               The Grand Conspiracy of LOWERY FIELD, COLORADO           
  5, 10            Wintergreen strikes waterpipe ("oil")                    
  18               Yossarian in hospital at Thanksgiving / the man who      
                     sees everything twice                                  
                   ARMY AIR FORCE BASE, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA               
  8, 18            Scheisskopf's parades / Yossarian and Dori Duz           
  8                Clevinger and Action board                               
  18               Thanksgiving / Mrs. Scheisskopf / arguing about God      
  6, 17            PIANOSA, ITALY / 25 missions required                    
                     Yossarian hospitalized in Africa with gonorrhea        
  6                Arezzo Mission / Cathcart arrives / Yossarian has        
                     23 of 30 missions                                      
  9                Major Major becomes squadron commander / a recluse       
  13               De Coverley makes Milo mess officer                      
  9, 11            Great (or Glorious) Loyalty Oath Crusade                 
  6, 10            Flight from Puerto Rico to Pianosa / The Splendid        
                     Atabrine Insurrection                                  
  6, 13, 21        FERRARA MISSION / Kraft killed                           
  2, 7             Corporal Snark poisons food                              
  12, 21           Decision to give Yossarian medal and promotion           
  12, 14-15        GREAT BIG SIEGE OF BOLOGNA                               
  13               De Coverley disappears to Florence                       
  6, 25, 38        Fight at officers' club over a ping pong game            
  3, 12            Hungry Joe attacks Havermeyer and Huple's cat            
  1, 7, 12, 21     Corporal Snark poisons fliers for Yossarian              
  12, 21           Yossarian moves bomb line; Peckem gets medal             
  12, 22           COTTON-CORNERING TRIP (Milo, Orr, Yossarian)             
  2, 9, 10, 17     Mudd ("dead man" in tent) dies at Orvieto / 35           
                     missions required                                      
  2, 21, 24, 35    Milo bombs his own squadron                              
  14               Orr ditches at Genoa                                     
  14               Yossarian aborts MISSION TO BOLOGNA                      
  15, 16           Aarfy demoralizes Yossarian on SECOND BOLOGNA            
                     MISSION, Yossarian's 32nd mission                      
  16               Yossarian finds, then loses Luciana in Rome              
  17               Missions at 40 / Yossarian to hospital 10 days           
  17               Yossarian flies 6 missions for 38 of 40                  
  4, 5, 17, 21,    AVIGNON MISSION / Epidemic of moaning / Snowden is       
  22, 30, 41         killed                                                 
  9, 10, 21, 22    Clevinger disappears inside a cloud                      
  9, 20, 21, 24,   Yossarian naked- medal, tree, Milo,                      
  25                  chocolate-covered cotton during Snowden's             
                     the soldier in white / 45 missions required            
  9, 20            Major Major's forgeries; the government                  
                     intelligence men                                       
  3                Yossarian asks Doc to ground him at 47 missions /        
                     50 missions are now required                           
  6                Yossarian talks to Wintergreen at 48 missions /          
                     missions have just been raised to 55                   
  9, 13, 17, 25    Yossarian asks Major Major to ground him at 51           
                     missions / Doc says fly the 4 more for 55              
  19               REQUIRED MISSIONS RAISED TO 60                           
  22               Dobbs first asks Yossarian to OK killing Cathcart        
  19, 25           Chaplain and Cathcart discuss prayer during              
                     briefings and the 60 required missions                 
  25               Chaplain misses Major Major but sees Flume in            
                     woods; Cathcart OK's Whitcomb's form letters           
  25, 27           Cathcart volunteers the men for a second Avignon         
  26               YOSSARIAN WOUNDED / hospital with Dunbar, Fortiori       
  28               Orr downed safely on second Avignon mission              
  27               Fortiori sent home / Yossarian back to combat            
  28, 30           Orr disappears in sea on another Bologna mission         
  29               Scheisskopf joins Peckem's staff in Rome                 
  30               Yossarian nearly strangles McWatt / McWatt kills         
                     Kid Sampson in freak accident, then himself /          
                     Cathcart raises missions to 65                         
  31               Doc "dead" / Cathcart raises missions to 70              
  32               "Yo-Yo's" roommates dispose of Mudd's things             
  33               Nately's prostitute falls in love with him               
  34               Riotous Thanksgiving Day / Nately, Yossarian,            
                     Dunbar, Hungry Joe, Chaplain to hospital /             
                     soldier in white reappears / Dunbar disappears         
  35               Chief White Halfoat dies / Dobbs and Nately killed       
                     / Cathcart raises missions to 80 at Milo's             
  36               Chaplain interrogated / Peckem replaces Dreedle          
  37               General Scheisskopf now superior to Peckem               
  38               M.P.'s empty Rome enlisted men's apartment /             
                     Nately's prostitute begins to pursue Yossarian         
  39               Aarfy kills a prostitute / Yossarian arrested for        
                     being AWOL in Rome                                     
  40               Yossarian accepts deal / Nately's prostitute knifes      
                     him / he is hospitalized                               
  41               Hungry Joe dies in sleep / Yossarian refuses deal        
  42               Orr is alive / Yossarian runs                            
  * Chapter one opens at this point.                                        

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