Barron's Inc. is one of America's leading publishers of education and business information. Barron's Booknotes are the company's popular guides to great works of literature. The Booknotes are an excellent aid for students as well as for anyone interested in hearing another voice or perspective as they read the classics.
Each Booknote guide is written by a respected academic and/or educator and
includes classic literary criticism of the work in question, a biography of
the author, the author's life and work in the context of the times, and detailed
analyses of plot, character, and the literary qualities of the work. There are
101 Booknotes on 109 titles published by Barron's which focus on a variety of
historical, classical and cultural texts.
Titles A - M
- 1984
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Aeneid, The
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- All the King's Men
- Animal Farm
- Anna Karenina
- As I Lay Dying
- As You Like It
- Babbitt
- Beowulf
- Billy Budd & Typee
- Brave New World
- Candide
- Canterbury Tales
- Catch-22
- Catcher in the Rye
- Crime and Punishment
- Crucible, The
- Cry, The Beloved Country
- Daisy Miller/Turn of the Screw
- David Copperfield
- Death of a Salesman
- Doctor Faustus
- Doll's House/Hedda Gabbler
- Don Quixote
- Ethan Frome
- Farewell to Arms, A
- Faust: Parts 1 and 2
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Glass Menagerie/Streetcar Named Desire
- Good Earth, The
- Grapes of Wrath, The
- Great Expectations
- Great Gatsby, The
- Gulliver's Travels
- Hamlet
- Hard Times
- Heart of Darkness/Secret Sharer
- Henry IV, Part 1
- Hobbit, The and The Lord of the Rings
- House of the Seven Gables, The
- Iliad, The
- Inferno, The
- Invisible Man
- Jane Eyre
- Julius Caesar
- Jungle, The
- King Lear
- King Richard III
- Light in August
- Lord Jim
- Lord of the Flies
- Macbeth
- Madame Bovary
- Mayor of Casterbridge
- Merchant of Venice, The
- Midsummer Night's Dream, A
- Moby Dick
- My Antonia
Titles N-Z
- Native Son and Black Boy
- New Testament
- Odyssey, The
- Oedipus Trilogy
- Of Mice and Men
- Old Man and the Sea, The
- Old Testament
- Oliver Twist
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Othello
- Our Town
- Paradise Lost
- Pearl, The
- Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
- Pride and Prejudice
- Prince, The
- Red Badge of Courage
- Republic, The
- Return of the Native
- Romeo and Juliet
- Scarlet Letter, The
- Separate Peace
- Silas Marner
- Slaughterhouse-Five
- Sons and Lovers
- Sound and the Fury, The
- Steppenwolf/Siddhartha
- Stranger, The
- Sun Also Rises, The
- Tale of Two Cities, A
- Taming of the Shrew, The
- Tempest, The
- Tess of the D'Urbervilles
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Tom Jones
- Tom Sawyer
- Twelfth Night
- Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Walden
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
- Wuthering Heights
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