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PinkMonkey.com-MonkeyNotes-The Winter's Tale, by William Shakespeare

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The Winter's Tale
William Shakespeare
QUOTATION: It is required
You do awake your faith.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British poet. The Winters
Tale (V, iii).
QUOTATION: Hermione. Pray you sit by us,
And tells a tale.
Mamillius. Merry or sad shallt be?
Hermione. As merry as you will.
Mamillius. A sad tales best for winter. I have one
Of sprites and goblins.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Hermione and Mamillius, in The Winters Tale, act 2, sc. 1,
l. 22-6.
QUOTATION: Calumny will sear
Virtue itself.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Leontes, in The Winters Tale, act 2, sc. 1, l. 73-4.
QUOTATION: Exit, pursued by a bear.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Stage direction, in The Winters Tale, act 3, sc. 3, l. 57
QUOTATION: Welcome hither,
As is the spring to th earth.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Leontes, in The Winters Tale, act 5, sc. 1, l. 151-2.
QUOTATION: Whats gone and whats past help
Should be past grief.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Paulina, in The Winters Tale, act 3, sc. 2, l. 222-3.
QUOTATION: I like your silence, it the more shows off
Your wonder.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Paulina, in The Winters Tale, act 5, sc. 3, l. 21-2.
QUOTATION: I never saw
The heavens so dim by day. A savage clamor!
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Antigonus, in The Winters Tale, act 3, sc. 3, l. 55-6.
QUOTATION: I am a feather for each wind that blows.
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Leontes, in The Winters Tale, act 2, sc. 3, l. 154.
QUOTATION: O, the thorns we stand upon!
ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (15641616), British dramatist,
poet. Florizel, in The Winters Tale, act 4, sc. 4, l. 585.
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