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  1. In a particular house only when the alarm is set off the police or the fire department will arrive there. Members of both the departments have to pass by the school to get to the house. Yesterday only the police passed by the school, and neither department responded to alarms the day before yesterday.

    Among the following, which can be properly inferred from the statements above?

    (A) Yesterday the fire department did not arrive at the house.
    (B) Yesterday the alarm was not set off at the house.
    (C) Yesterday the police arrived at the house.
    (D) The day before yesterday the police passed by the school.
    (E) Yesterday the fire department failed to respond to the alarm that was set off.

  2. Bats use the echoes of the sounds they emit very efficiently to detect, locate and catch their prey. However, it has been claimed that the characteristic efficiency of this process is reduced by moths who are able to hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats.

    Among the following statements, which if true, best supports the claim above?

    (A) On an average the moths who cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats live longer as compared to the moths who can hear such sounds, when both kinds of moth are present in an environment continuously free of such bats.
    (B) Those moth species that cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats are among the species of insects that are most likely to be caught by such bats.
    (C) There is a change in the sound pattern generated by the moth’s wing movements when a moth changes its speed or direction flight.
    (D) As compared to moth species who cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats moth species that can hear these sounds are less likely to be caught by such bats.
    (E) Moths that are capable of hearing the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats differ in their abilities to use evasive action to escape capture by such bats.
  3. A historical study, recently conducted says that, capital punishment deters murder only during those weeks when well-publicized executions take place. Homicides fall to a below average level during such weeks. However, the number of well-publicized executions fails to affect the yearly murder rate.

    In case the above discussion is true, which of the below mentioned statements must also be true?

    (A) The number of well-publicized executions remained almost the same, year to year, during the period studied. (B) Murder rates were above average for at least one week during any years, when there were well-publicized executions.
    (C) An extraordinary number of public executions took place during some weeks of each year of the study.
    (D) Capital punishment was considered to be important news in the past and therefore newspapers devoted extensive coverage to all executions.
    (E) Many of the executions, which took place during the studied period were not reported objectively by the media.

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Test 4

Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section

Section 4 : Quantitative Section

Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Section 7 : Analytical Section

Answer Key To Test 4

Answer Explanation To Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Analytical Section

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