If the middle word in a sequence is "fright," then the initial letter of the first word and the initial letter of the last word of that sequence respectively, must be
(A) b, g
(B) e, j
(C) d, h
(D) c, l
(E) a, e
The last word in a sequence CANNOT begin with the letter
(A) e
(B) o
(C) s
(D) u
(E) w
The first word in a sequence CANNOT begin with the letter
(A) a
(B) d
(C) j
(D) k
(E) u
With which of the following words could an acceptable sequence begin ?
(A) Quest
(B) Yellowing
(C) Gorge
(D) Trusted
(E) Opposite
If "Whale" is the last word in a sequence, the first word in that sequence could be
(A) Sailor
(B) Smart
(C) Suede
(D) Soil
(E) Salt
Each of the following can be the last word in a sequence EXCEPT
(A) other
(B) entry
(C) winter
(D) honor
(E) market
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