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  1. D

  2. The word means to exhort wage or admonish. The antonym is dissuading.

  3. C

  4. The word Hegira means flight of Muhammad from Mecca AD622, the antonym of this is return.

  5. D

  6. The word Prodigious means plenty-abundance. The opposite word is infinitesimal, which means very small quantities, small in number.

  7. C

  8. Halogen means Peace, serenity. The opposite is martial.

  9. D

  10. The word Sanguine means cheerful or hopeful. The opposite word is pessimistic.

  11. A

  12. Egregious means gross or shocking. So, the opposite is splendid.

  13. E

  14. Bucolic means Pastoral or rustic. The opposite word has to be citified which means urbanized.

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Test 3
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Quantitative Section
Answer key to Test 3

Answer Explanation To Test 3
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Quantitative Section

Test 4

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