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There are two steps to scoring your survey.

The first is to compute your scores. To begin, you must reverse the numbers on some of your responses. This is necessary because some of the actions on the survey are good to do always, like making a study schedule. Others are not good to do always like being unable to summarize. There are eight questions you should change. If you have a four (4) on these cross it out and put a one (1), if you have a three (3) cross it out and put a two (2), cross out a two (2) and put a three (3), and cross out a four (4) and put a one (1). You should do this for questions 2, 6, 7, 22, 25, 27, 31, and 32. Each of these questions has an *.

The second step is to compute your score. Begin by adding the numbers in each section. You should have four scores. One each for Preparation Skills, Learning Information, Follow-up Skills and Taking Tests.

Now, you can add these four scores together to get a total score.

Interpreting your scores

The possible score ranges on each section are:

Preparations Skills
High 36
Low 9
Learning Information
High 40
Low 10
Follow-up Skills
High 36
Low 9
Taking Tests
High 16
Low 4
High 128
Low 32

Your score is an indication of your study strengths and weaknesses. One purpose of the survey is to help you identify strengths so you can increase them. A second purpose is to help you identify weaknesses so you can improve your study.

We suggest that you look at your scores for each section and make judgements about your skills. The guide below may help you decide.

Above 30
indicates a need to develop and apply all preparation skills. You should also develop a systematic approach to study and planning skills. You should complete the entire Study Smart program.
29 - 20
indicates a need to improve study planning and time management and to develop more effective preparation skills. Work especially on applying skills to regular study and studying systematically. You should complete the entire Study Smart program.
19 - 15
indicates good use of preparation skills. You should look at your scores to see if you have any 4's. If so, you should work on lessons that address these skills. You should find that your preparation skills can be improved and you may be able to develop new skills by working through Study Smart.
14 - below
indicates very good preparation skills. You may want to look at all the preparation lessons in Study Smart (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9) to develop new skills.
Above 40
indicates a need to increase active learning and text reading. You should complete the entire Study Smart program.
39 - 30
indicates a need to improve study activity, reading skills and memory skills. You may need to increase the number of skills you use and/or the way and frequency that you use these skills. As you work through Study Smart concentrate on developing and increasing your skills.
29 -20
indicates good use of these skills but also a need to improve your study strategies. You may want to study more systematically and to use more skills. Concentrate on active learning and on developing your skills. Work on in-class and home study skills.
below 20
indicates good use of skills and a good level of study activity. You may want to develop specific skills in areas where you rated yourself a 2 or 4. You may also find that the Study Smart lessons 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 will suggest some skills you do not use regularly.
Above 30
indicates you are not systematic in your study and rely too much on others to judge your success. You should complete the entire Study Smart program and pay special attention to the TEST part of systematic study.
29 - 20
indicates that you can improve your study by being more systematic. You should complete every study session with a self-test as suggested in PAT. You can develop skills to plan your study and to review regularly. You should complete the entire Study Smart program.
19 - 9
indicates that you have good follow-up or self-testing skills. You may find the skills presented in Study Smart to be helpful to increase your success.
over 12
indicates a need to develop test taking skills. You should develop skills to plan your study and to study systematically. Good learning is the main key to good test scores. Complete the whole Study Smart program to discover actions you can take to improve your school success.
11 - 7
indicates a need to expand test taking skills and study for tests. While the entire Study Smart program will provide you with many good ideas, pay particular attention to Lessons 18, 19 and 20.
below 7
indicates excellent test taking skills. You may find some additional skills presented in Lessons 18, 19 and 20 to be helpful as well as other skills throughout the Study Smart program.

Now, you should interpret your scores.

Remember that no one does all the actions on the survey perfectly. In fact, all students can improve how they study. In addition to learning more, everyone can learn to study faster, remember better, and understand more completely.

The purpose of this survey is to help you recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. Once you are aware of how you can improve, you are likely to be more successful.

If your scores are in the higher ranges, this may mean you can improve in many ways. You should study the whole Study Smart program. Work on your study planning, goals and systematic study. You should also develop many skills. Work through the lessons and master the skills. Ask if you have questions. Use all of the skills with your regular school work. You may want to repeat each lesson at least once after you have completed the program.

If your scores are in the middle range, you should definitely consider the Study Smart program. Many students who do well at study either use only a few skills or do not study systematically. Changing these is a good way to increase your school success. As you work on Study Smart, concentrate on how you can improve your study. You can add more skills to be more versatile and successful, you can become more systematic with better goals, and you can develop concentration and interest. There are many other ways you can improve, also. Use the survey to identify some improvement goals for yourself.

If your scores are in the lower ranges, you study well.  You may be able to be even more successful by developing other skills.  Look at the Study Smart lessons for ideas on how you can change.  Try out these ideas and see if you can improve your study.


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