Citing resources found
on PinkMonkey
following are examples of how you can cite from PinkMonkey.com Example
Bibliography Citations If
you viewed the MonkeyNotes for Macbeth on August 1, 2004, you would cite:
MLA Style Sauder,
Diane. "PinkMonkey.com MonkeyNotes for Macbeth by William Shakespeare."
PinkMonkey.com. 1997. 1 August 2004 <http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynotes/pmMacbeth01.asp> APA
Style Sauder, Diane (1997), "PinkMonkey.com MonkeyNotes for
Macbeth by William Shakespeare", PinkMonkey.com Retrieved
August 1, 2004 from the World Wide Web: http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynotes/pmMacbeth01.asp
- Remember to indent the second line
and all following lines in your citation.
- Note:
These are just examples. Your project may require a specific format that differs
from the examples listed here. Please confirm the required format with your teacher
before relying on these general examples. Your teacher may specify a unique format.
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