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Free Study Guide-The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery-Book Notes
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1. Fully describe the appearance of the Little Prince.

2. From where does the Little Prince come? What is it like?

3. The Little Prince is both child-like and mature. Explain the contrast and how it is shown in the book.

4. Why does the Little Prince think his special flower is unique?

5. Why does the Little Prince leave his planet?

6. What five people does the Little Prince meet on his travels before he arrives on Earth? What does he learn from each of them?

7. What is the first creature that the Little Prince meets on earth? What does it tell the Little Prince? Why does this become important later in the book?

8. What does the Little Prince realize when he sees the Garden of Roses? How does he feel about this?

9. What does the Fox teach the Little Prince?

10. Where does the Little Prince meet the narrator?

11. What is the first thing that the Little Prince asks the narrator to do?

12. Why does the narrator draw a picture of a boa constrictor eating an elephant for the Little Prince? How is the Prince's reaction to the drawing different from that of most adults?

13. Why is the water drawn from the desert well more than ordinary water?

14. In what ways is the Little Prince a Christ figure?

15. When and why does the narrator write the book about the Little Prince?

16. What is the main theme of the book and how is it developed?

17. What are the common traits in the narrator and the Prince? What do you think brings them together?

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Free Study Guide-The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery-Booknotes



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