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Table of Contents | Downloadable/Printable Version BOOK FIFTH: The Grandson and the Grandfather Summary Marius spends months convalescing while his grandfather dotes on him. As he gains strength he grows quieter and stops calling out for Cosette. He also withdraws from his grandfather, refusing to call him “father,” but also refraining from addressing him as “monsieur.” He plans to tear off his bandages, ruin his partially healed shoulder and starve himself if his grandfather denies him Cosette again. To Marius’ pleasant surprise, Gillenormand is already prepared for the confrontation. When Marius tells him that he wishes to marry, Gillenormand informs him that Cosette, represented by her father has been to check on his condition every day. Gillenormand has already investigated the girl and found her to be charming and modest. He has even prepared for her to visit Marius on a date, which he moves up at Marius’ request. Marius is both amazed and overjoyed; his reserve caves in and he calls Gillenormand “father.” When Valjean arrives with Cosette, Gillenormand asks for her to be married to Marius. Valjean agrees; Gillenormand’s only concern is that when he dies, his income will no longer be available to Marius and Cosette. Then Valjean announces that Cosette, “Mademoiselle Euphrasie Fauchelevant,” has 600,000 francs minus perhaps 15,000. This is money that Valjean accumulated during his years as Monsieur Madeleine and has kept buried in the secret spot in the forest. He has removed all the money from its hiding place and now produces it for Mademoiselle Gillenormand and her brother to count. Valjean also knows now that he is finally free from Javert. The two old men prepare for the wedding. Valjean, having once been a mayor, knows how to create an “identity” and history for Cosette. He claims that she is the last of an extinct family, a relative of his who was also called Fauchelevant. Gillenormand, meanwhile, makes the plans for the actual wedding, piling daily gifts of finery on Cosette.
Marius and Valjean rarely speak to each other although Valjean appears everyday to chaperone Cosette. Once Marius, who thinks he remembers Valjean from the barricade, approaches the subject of the insurrection, but Valjean claims to be unfamiliar with the street Rue de La Chanvrerie. Marius convinces himself that it must have been someone else, but his happiness with Cosette does not enable him to forget two debts that he feels obligated to settle. The first is still to Thenardier, the second to a mysterious man who carried him to his grandfather after the insurrection. Thenardier himself has sunk into obscurity with a death sentence over his head for failure to appear in court regarding the events at the Gorbeau House. Thenardiess is dead, Claquesous has disappeared, and Thenardier’s daughters have retreated into the obscurity of the streets. Thus Marius is unable to find him. As for the other man, Valjean never hints that it was himself. All of Marius’ searching leads to dead ends. Notes Marius is a much gentler version of Javert with more depth of character and an ability to admit an error. He is also a student of the law and as such is driven to repay a debt. His belief in the law will ultimately cost Valjean his life. Gillenormand himself has not changed his political opinions and nearly gives himself away in conversation with Marius. However, he values Marius more than fidelity to a way of life that is passing. He also dotes on Cosette to a degree that his own daughter never received. In fact, we are told that the happiness of the young lovers was equaled by the “ecstasy of the grandfather.” He recalls the excesses of the past when people celebrated lavishly and, no doubt, wastefully. In reminiscing, he reveals that his attraction for the life of the bourgeoisie was more one of love for the lifestyle than for the politics. Table of Contents | Downloadable/Printable Version | ![]() |