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Table of Contents | Downloadable/Printable Version CHAPTER SUMMARIES WITH NOTES CHAPTERS 76 - 80 Summary Langdon solves part of the riddle. The Templar headstone, referenced on the wooden box, is a literal stone head--a pagan stone head. Baphomet was a pagan fertility god that Pope Clement claimed was the devil. Using the Atbash Cipher, they discover the password is sofya, or Sophia. Because the riddle says the word is ancient, they decide the password must be SOFIA--the ancient Greek word for wisdom. Sophie successfully opens the cryptex, revealing only another cryptex inside with another clue rolled around it. The clue begins: “IN LONDON LIES A KNIGHT A POPE INTERRED.” Teabing does not know what knight the riddle means; however, he knows where they should look. At Teabing’s home, Collet uncovers a variety of strange information such as a list of prominent Parisians dating back to the twelfth century. Vernet calls, looking for Fache. When Collet speaks to him, he recognizes his voice, realizing he was the man driving the armored car. Collet calls Interpol, believing that Vernet is involved in the evening’s events. Collet demands every shred of evidence they can find at the bank and about Vernet.
As they prepare to land in England, Sophie tries to convince Teabing that they have committed a serious offence is transporting a hostage. Sophie believes the French police will find them at the airport. Teabing believes he is above the law. The pilot tells Teabing that the tower has radioed and asked that they are having a problem and want the pilot to bring the jet right to the terminal instead of Teabing’s hangar. The occupants of the plane realize there are about to be confronted by the British police. Teabing goes to the pilot to have a “sales meeting,” in order to get the pilot to perform an irregular move. Notes In this section we learn more about Sophie’s name, which means “wisdom.” This meaning is consistent with Sophie’s character thus far, as she repeatedly demonstrates deft intuition. In fact, once again in this section Sophie makes an accurate prediction based on her intuition: the police will be there to meet them when they land. Teabing wields his power when he has a “sales meeting” with the pilot. Table of Contents | Downloadable/Printable Version | ![]() |