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Table of Contents | Message Board | Downloadable/Printable Version CHAPTER SUMMARY AND NOTES CHAPTER 7 Summary The detective passed down the quay, and made his way to the consulÂ’s office. He told the Consul that he thought that the robber was on the Mongolia. The consul said that the robber might not come to the consulate, as it was not necessary to get the passport countersigned. But, Fix feels otherwise and says that he hopes that the Consul will not visa the passport. "Why not? If the passport is genuine I have no right to refuse." Fix wants to keep the robber here till he can get the warrant. Two strangers enter the ConsulÂ’s room as Fix and the Consul are conversing, one of who was the servant whom Fix had met on the quay and the other, who was his master, held out his passport with the request that the consul would do him the favor to visa it. The consul took the document and carefully read it, whilst Fix observed from afar. The consul just asked a few questions before agreeing to visa FoggÂ’s passport. The consul proceeded to sign and date the passport. Mr. Fogg paid the customary fee, coldly bowed, and went out, followed by his servant. The consul feels that Fogg looks like an honest man and doubts that descriptions can be totally trusted - even if Fogg does look like the robber, he may not be one. Fix decides to find out by getting Passepartout to talk, as he believes that a Frenchman cannot resist opening his mouth. Fix starts off in search of Passepartout. Meanwhile Mr. Fogg, after leaving the consulate, repaired to the quay, gave some orders to Passepartout and went off to the Mongolia. In his cabin, Fogg fed the journey dates into an itinerary divided into columns, indicating the month, the day of the month, and the day for the stipulated and actual arrivals at each principal point - Paris, Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, New York, and London from the 2 nd of October to the 21 st of December. This methodical record thus contained an account of everything needed, and Mr. Fogg always knew whether he was behind or in advance of his time. On this Friday, October 9 th , he noted his arrival at Suez, and observed that he had as yet neither gained nor lost. He sat down quietly to breakfast in his cabin, never once thinking of inspecting the town, being one of those Englishmen who are wont to see foreign countries through the eyes of their domestics. Notes Fix is excited that he has got the robber and immediately leaves for the Consulate, where he is at once admitted to the presence of that official. Fix is a detective who knows how to go about his work, the only problem being that he is too hasty to assume that he does have the right robber at hand. Fix and the Consul have the following conversation - "Consul," said he, without preamble, "I have strong reasons for believing that my man is a passenger on the Mongolia." And he narrated what had just passed concerning the passport. "Well, Mr. Fix," replied the consul, "I shall not be sorry to see the rascalÂ’s face; but perhaps he wonÂ’t come here that is, if he is the person you suppose him to be. A robber doesnÂ’t quite like to leave traces of his flight behind him; and, besides, he is not obliged to have his passport countersigned." "If he is as shrewd as I think he is, consul, he will come."
‘To have his passport visaed?" "Yes. Passports are only good for annoying honest folks, and aiding in the flight of rogues. I assure you it will be quite the thing for him to do; but I hope you will not visa the passport." Fix is a persistent man who often uses all his nudging skills to get his work done. In this case, he tries to urge the Consul to keep Fogg at the consulate till Fix can obtain a warrant to arrest Fogg. Fix says - "Still, I must keep this man here until I can get a warrant to arrest him from London." The consul replies -"Ah, that’s your lookout. But I cannot--" Their conversation is interrupted by the entrance of Fogg with Passerpartout. Fix moves to the side of the room and devours the stranger with his eyes from there. Fogg and the consul have an amiable and official conversation. The consul comes across as a reasonable man who minds his own business and who is not unnecessarily suspicious. The consul informs Fogg that a passport and a visa is not required for an Englishman travelling to Bombay. To this Fogg replies that he required a visa endorsement in order to prove that he had come by the Suez. The consul visas the passport without any hesitancy, as it is legally right. Fix of course would have been angry to see his suspected robber move away without any difficulty. Later when Fix refers to the resemblance between Fogg and the description of the bank robber received by him, the consul remarks all descriptions are not to be trusted completely. Detective Fix then remarks, "The servant seems to me less mysterious than the master; besides, he’s a Frenchman, and can’t help talking. Excuse me for a little while, consul." Throughout the story we see how Fix does not hesitate in resorting to unscrupulous methods in order to prevent Fogg from taking his journey around the world. Fix gets friendly with Passepartout with the sole purpose of getting information on Fogg. Later, he even gets Passepartout intoxicated with opium so that the man is unable to inform his master about the departure time of a particular ship. Fix may be a detective and on the side of the law, but we see how he resorts to unfair means. Meanwhile, Fogg continues in his calm, unruffled manner. He seems to be a celebration of all that a civilized man is supposed to denote. He goes to his cabin and takes up his note-book, which contained the following memoranda: -- "Left London, Wednesday, October 2 nd , at 8.45 p.m. ‘Reached Paris, Thursday, October 3 rd , at 7.20 a.m. ‘Left Paris, Thursday, at 8.40 a.m. "Reached Turin by Mont Cenis, Friday, October 4 th , at 6.35 a.m. ‘Left Turin, Friday, at 7.20 a.m. "Arrived at Brindisi, Saturday, October 5 th , at 4 p.m. "Sailed on the Mongolia, Saturday, at 5 p.m. "Reached Suez, Wednesday, October 9 th , at 11 a.m. "Total of hours spent, 158½; or, in days, six days and a half." Through these entries we realize just how methodical a man Fogg really is. He even had a space in this intricate column for setting down the gain made or the loss suffered on arrival at each locality. So far, Fogg has succeeded in jumping mathematically from trains to ships. We are curious to know whether Fogg can continue his journey with such efficiency. Table of Contents | Message Board | Downloadable/Printable Version | ![]() |